Pilling (sometimes referred to as bobbling) is the formation of fuzzy balls on the surface of wool clothing, and often results in an unsightly or worn out appearance.
Pilling is caused by rubbing during wear and, although it can occur in any parts of the sweater, the most common areas are around the elbows, armpits, sleeves, belly and the sides of the sweater where, during wear, the arms of the garment are constantly coming into contact with the body of the sweater.
Life's too short for unwanted balls and pilling is a very complex phenomenon. Pilling depends on many factors including the action of the wearer - there is a greater chance of pilling generally if the wearer is more active, or whether the garment during wear constantly comes into contact with other surfaces that tend to cause abrasion, such as sitting for long periods at a desk.
Because pilling is so complex, nobody can guarantee that it won’t occur, but there are a number of ways to prevent pilling. There are also methods to remove pills if they have been formed.
How to prevent pilling when wearing wool
Turn your wool clothes inside-out before washing
Avoid using a fabric softener
Try to minimise abrasion when wearing wool clothing
How to avoid pilling when designing with wool
Use longer fibres
Use the highest twist factor you can handle
Use fabrics with a higher cover factor
How to remove pilling in 3 easy ways
If not too many pills have been formed then they can easily be removed by hand. This should be done routinely after drying, or just prior to ironing.
A comb can be used to remove pills, but this should be done very gently and carefully.
Small battery operated pill and lint removal devices known as either “de-pillers” or “fabric shavers” are low cost and very effective at removing pills, giving your clothing an as-new appearance again.
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La laine peut-elle être séchée en machine ?
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Les vêtements en laine peuvent-ils être séchés en machine ? Vérifiez toujours les conseils d’entretien de vos vêtements en laine avant de les mettre au sèche-linge. En cas de doute, faites-les sécher à plat.
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Pour laver des vêtements en laine, utilisez une lessive pour laine neutre et douce afin de prolonger leur durée de vie.
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Comment entretenir la laine
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L'entretien de la laine est simple. Les vêtements en laine mérinos conservent naturellement leur aspect et leur toucher neufs, mais si vous savez comment entretenir la laine, votre article préféré durera encore plus longtemps.
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Lavage des pantalons en laine
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Votre guide indispensable pour laver vos pantalons en laine et prolonger leur durée de vie.
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Lavage des chaussettes en laine
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Cleaning wool shoes
Washing your wool shoes has never been easier. Follow this simple guide to wash your wool shoes to keep them looking and smelling clean.
How to wash and dry wool blankets
To make sure your wool blankets last a lifetime, follow these steps when airing, washing, drying and storing your wool blankets.
Comment entretenir la laine
L'entretien de la laine est simple. Les vêtements en laine mérinos conservent naturellement leur aspect et leur toucher neufs, mais si vous savez comment entretenir la laine, votre article préféré durera encore plus longtemps.
How do I dry wool?
After washing your wool clothes, it is recommended the garments are carefully dried flat, unless your garment’s care claim states it can be tumble dried.
How to iron wool
Can you iron wool? Yes, but you want to make sure you are following Woolmark's recommended steps so you don't ruin your beautiful wool clothes.
How to wash a wool sweater
Washing & drying wool sweaters and jumpers has never been easier. Use our simple guide to take the stress out of washing your wool.
Can you dry clean Merino wool?
If the care claims on your Merino wool garment states the item can be dry cleaned, it is safe to take it to a professional dry cleaner.
How to store wool clothes
Dividing and storing your clothes into seasonal wardrobes & following these tips will not only save space, but also help preserve the lifespan of your garments.
Washing instruction symbols explained
Ever wonder what those washing tag symbols and instructions actually mean? Woolmark.com has created a video and guide so you can wash and dry your clothes safely.